题目:Advanced Aftertreatment Technologies and Integrated System to Meet Future Stringent Vehicle Emissions Regulations
主讲:管斌 副教授,上海交通大学
地点: 5b207(线上腾讯会议号779214827)
近年来主持了6项国家级和3项省部级项目,作为主要完成人,参与了20余项国家级和省部级项目。在国内外期刊发表论文70余篇,其中SCI论文40余篇,其中2篇为ESI高被引论文,1篇为热点论文,SCI他引1500余次。申请国家发明专利13项,7项已获授权。2012年获上海市优秀毕业生,2014年获上海市优秀博士学位论文,2016年和2019年两次获SMC-晨星青年学者奖励计划,2017年获上海市技术发明二等奖,2016、2017、2019、2020年获上海交通大学校优秀班主任,2020年获上海交通大学“教书育人奖”奖等荣誉和奖励。担任中国内燃机学会后处理技术分会委员兼副秘书长,中国环境保护产业协会专家委员,上海市科学技术奖评审专家,国家自然科学基金委通讯评审专家,上海市自然科学基金项目通讯评审专家,上海市教委学位与研究生教育评估院通讯评审专家,担任《Energies》、《Journal of Applied Solution Chemistry and Modeling》、《Petroleum & Petrochemical Engineering Journal》、《Physical Science & Biophysics Journal》编委,以及40余个SCI期刊审稿专家。
The presentation mainly introduces the emission of automobile pollutants, especially the emission of diesel vehicles, which has caused great damage to the environment, therefore, the control of pollutants from motor vehicles is imminent! The report analyzes and compares the ever tightening emission regulations for light vehicles and medium- and heavy-duty vehicles in Europe and the United States, and makes a detailed analysis of the advanced after-treatment control technology and after-treatment system integration that will meet the future vehicle emission regulations. On this basis, discussed the technical route to meet the future emission regulations.