题目:Non-smoothness in Dynamical Systems and their Numerical Handling
主讲:Hans True 教授
Hans True教授,国际车辆系统动力学协会(IAVSD)主席、丹麦技术大学教授,主要研究方向为车辆系统非线性动力学及其数值求解方法。1964年获得博士学位,曾任德国弗莱堡、洪堡大学研究员,美国耶鲁大学应用科学学院客座讲师,哈佛大学应用物理学院助教,宾夕法尼亚州立大学气象和应用数学系客座讲师, 美国克莱姆森大学、伊利诺伊州西北大学访问学者,英国利兹大学非线性研究所客座教授。Hans True教授曾作为高级专员受雇于丹麦国家铁路机构,并曾担任丹麦周刊Ingeniøren的兼职铁路记者。由于其在轨道交通领域的杰出贡献,获得了克拉科夫矿业大学颁发的纪念勋章和圣彼得堡铁路纪念黄金奖章。
In dynamical systems, non-smoothnesses like impacts between elements of the construction, dry friction with stick-slip and changes in the degrees of freedom during the action may occur. They are sources of nonlinearities that demand special treatment in the solution methods of the dynamical systems.
Numerical routines like the Runge-Kutta family of solvers for systems of differential equations presuppose a certain degree of smoothness in the functions that enter the problem. Very often the second derivative of the functions must be continuous. It means that the functions are supposed to be smooth. Therefore, special handling is required, when this condition is not satisfied.
In the lecture a couple of examples of non-smooth behavior will be demonstrated and discussed, and recommendations of the numerical handling of such problems in dynamical systems will be presented.